Winter Warmers
I hope you're well and warm as you read this. As I sit here an tap away at my laptop, I'm looking out my glass doors to some lovely blue...
Remedies for A Happy Holiday Season
Woosh! That's how it feels the past few months have gone. The start of the year seemed to go very slowly...the middle went a little...
Woohoo!! It's Time to Celebrate!!
It's time to welcome Spring and for me to celebrate 5 years of having my clinic at home. I can't quite believe it.
Do you Want to 'Spring Clean' or 'Detox'?
I want to write about a topic that I find lots of folk turn to in Spring - 'Spring cleaning'. We get that itch to pull things out of...
Bach Flower Essences for These Difficult Times
Flower essences in particular help with emotional states. I've discussed a few of them here. Plants are here for us, just waiting for us to
Feeling 'At Home' in These Times of Change
Life is odd. We're facing more changes again as the situation with Covid-19 continues to evolve and circumstances shift and change. There se
Winter Recipes - Fire Cider Vinegar & Thieve's Vinegar
Hi there and winter blessings, I hope this blog post finds you well - nice and warm, perhaps rugged up in a blanket or sipping on a hot...
Special Online Event - Restoration, Immunity and Connection
There's a treat coming your way! Set aside Sunday 17th May for a virtual afternoon of restoration through yoga, immunity through...
Wise Words from Across the Globe
Hi there dear one, I hope you've been going well the past few weeks. With all that's going on, I feel more compelled than ever to send...
Immune Supporting Recipes - Onion Syrup and Warming Stew
Here are a couple of my favourite immune supportive recipes, showcasing some of Mother Nature's finest ingredients! Onion Syrup...Yum! I...